I get to feeling really guilty that I don't post very often on our family blog. But then I look at my blogroll of friends and family, and realize that most of you don't post very often either. I guess we're just all so busy living that we don't have time to write about it. :)
Here's what we've been up to the last few weeks.
Tyler finished up his football season with Wes as the coach. They didn't win a lot of games, but Tyler played amazingly, and had a lot of fun. He can pull flags like nobody's business!
The week that football ended, Spencer's accelerated basketball league started. And Wes is coaching that one too. I'm so glad he is such an amazing dad. (Even if it does mean that our deck may never get finished.)
After leaking profusely for several weeks, our kitchen faucet suddenly stopped working. At all. We went for four days with no running water in the kitchen until the new one arrived. Man I am glad I am not a pioneer! (On a happy note, Moen replaced the faucet for free. Awesome customer service!)
Last Sunday I was released from three of my callings. I am no longer the Bear den leader, the bread specialist, or an Enrichment board member. I am relieved and sad at the same time. I loved working with Tyler, and I loved working with the women in Relief Society. But it is nice to have less on my plate so I can focus more on my family.
The ironic thing is that the calling I kept is the one that is the hardest for me. I am still over all the awards for the Boy Scouts. It nearly kills me to see how much money is spent on scouts. It's A LOT. I still struggle with it. But I feel like I am supposed to be here, even though I'm not thrilled with it. There must be something I'm supposed to learn. I'm just trusting that Heavenly Father has some kind of plan for me, even though I have no idea what it is. I sure hope I can learn quickly! ;)
Picture Retakes-October 29
2 months ago