We had a very busy fun filled 4th of July Weekend. Friday we headed up to Idaho to my sister Heidi's house. On the way we stopped off to visit Mike & Teresa and there family. We had a picnic at the park and then went bowling. I should have taken more photos, but these were the best that I came up with:
I shoulda warned Teresa that I was taking a picture. She was watching Josh bowl. Apparently he didn't do very well. ;)
Brandon is always trying to hide from the camera. What a stinker!
After bowling, we drove to Heidi & Jared's house. We got there pretty late, so we visited for awhile and went to bed.
Saturday morning we packed a picnic and headed to the mountains to do some 4-wheeling. The weather was gorgeous for our picnic. But as soon as the 1st group headed out on the 4-wheeler, a sudden storm hit. With lots of hail.
Fortunately, we were under a pavilion. Unfortunately, the roof was tin. Hail hitting a tin roof is VERY loud! Emily and Justin did not like it at all. Justin was totally scared and started crying. (I'm sure lack of sleep played a part.)
Thank goodness for daddies!
It hailed and rained hard for 20-30 minutes, and it got pretty cold, so we all huddled together.
When it finally let up a little, we loaded everybody up and ran for the car. We barely got in when it started up again. Wheew!
Back at the house, it wasn't even raining, so we all hung out outside. Jacob and Dan are amazing bike riding dare devils, and Justin was inspired. He learned how to ride a bike with no training wheels!
Later that afternoon the storm hit again. It is really uncommon to see hail in July, and we were all fascinated. We just stood on the porch and in the garage watching it come down. The kids had fun collecting hail in cups and coolers. We were a little worried that the storm would cause the fireworks show to be canceled, but luckily it passed just as quick as it came. It was quite chilly, so we all wrapped up in blankets on the lawn. The fireworks show was amazing! It was right across the freeway, so we had a great view. We were so close you could even smell the gunpowder! I didn't take any photos because I was huddling under a blanket with Justin and Tyler.
We had a great weekend!! The only sad part is that my sister Mel didn't get to bless her baby on Sunday because she was sick. We missed seeing her & her family and hope she is doing better. Love ya Mel!
Picture Retakes-October 29
2 months ago
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