My cute little Justin started kindergarten yesterday. He has been looking forward to it for months and was so excited. He was actually totally ready at 7:00 this morning and was not happy that he had to wait till 8:20 to catch the bus.
He couldn't wait to get out the door. He was not thrilled that I made him stop so I could take his picture.
In every way; academically, socially, and emotionally he is completely ready for kindergarten. I am thrilled that he is excited, but I can't help but feel a little sad. I am not ready to have an empty house. This was not supposed to happen. I totally expected that we would have a baby girl by now. All of us did. Apparently Heavenly Father has different plans for us though. I continue to have faith and keep a positive attitude, but some days it is really hard.
I missed him while he was gone. The house was eerily quiet. I just have to believe that we will have another little spirit or two joining our family. Because the thought that I will never have another first day of kindergarten, another first step, another first smile, is so heart wrenching that I can't bear to think about it.
Picture Retakes-October 29
2 months ago
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