Let me just say that I am really looking forward to this upcoming week. I actually have some blank spaces on the calendar. Woohoo!
Our entire family had to speak in church today and it was so incredibly stressful for me. With our adoption homestudy, the last week was completely draining, physically and emotionally. When Wes agreed that we would speak last Sunday night, I knew that the timing was horrible and I wouldn't even be able to think about the talks until Friday evening. The topic was the Atonement and that is a difficult subject, especially when writing talks for kids to give.
I struggled mightily writing my talk. I don't remember ever having such a difficult time. I read over a dozen talks, listened to a few, searched books and scriptures, and prayed. Nothing was coming to me. Nothing! I really felt like my bucket was empty and I had nothing to give. It was so discouraging. It wasn't till 9:30 on Saturday night that I finally found a talk that really spoke to me. It was by Jeffrey R. Holland. I just love him. I feel like his talks always speak right to my soul.
So I managed to pull it all together at the very last minute. Luckily Wes helped all of the boys with their talks. They did a phenomenal job and I was really proud of them. Mine went fine except for the crying part. Which happens every time. And I can't even help it. It is strange really, because I hardly ever cry outside of church. But every time I have to teach a lesson, give a talk, or even say a prayer in church, the waterworks start. I hate it but I don't really know how to make it stop. It is so embarrassing! I am very glad that it is over.
My brother Jon is visiting from North Carolina with his girlfriend Andrea. We went up to my parents house to celebrate his birthday and meet Andrea. It was a ton of fun to see everyone and we all love Andrea. If he doesn't marry her I just might have to punch him. (Sorry Jon, but it's the truth.) They actually came down to listen to our talks today, so now Andrea knows what a crybaby I am. :)
Picture Retakes-October 29
4 months ago
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