For several years, our little town put together sports teams with coaches. We would play a neighboring town that is larger, but still pretty small. Our children attend the same schools. A few years ago, they got a new sports director. He told us we could no longer put together our own teams. That if we wanted to play the kids there, we had to sign up down there. And of course pay a non-resident fee.
I came to terms with it, even though it is a major pain in the hiney.
Then there was a new development. This spring when Spencer played baseball, we got his schedule and discovered that he was playing teams from two other cities that are about 30 minutes away. Our children do not attend school with them. They are larger cities than ours. They got to put together their own teams, they did not have to sign up in another city and pay a non resident fee. What the?
I totally think that is discrimination. Banning all cities from putting their own teams together and joining your league? Fine. Letting some do it an others not? In my mind that is discrimination.
Wes thinks he is totally justified, that it is ethically wrong, but that just like any company, he has the right to choose who he wants to work with. He said he doesn't want me to go down and tell the sports director I think he is discriminating against us. He doesn't want me to embarrass myself.
What do you think? Be honest. If you think I'm a total idiot, I can take it.
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