My boys are expert fort builders. They love taking all of the cushions off the living room couch, hauling them somewhere else, and using them to make forts. Sometimes they line them up across the bottom of the bunk bed, but usually they choose the family room as their building site. Then they will sit in the fort and play games, read, or eat snacks that they sneak from the pantry while I am busy on the computer cleaning the house.
They will leave it up for hours. They enter it just often enough that I think they are still having fun with it and not ask them to put it away. They kind of have me figured out, the little geniuses. Eventually though, it does need to be torn down. Because at some point we need to be able to walk through the family room. Or sit on the couch. Or both.
But it is fun while it lasts! And I love it when they use their imaginations and play creatively.
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