I have been so busy for the last week that I have totally neglected this blog. Here are a few highlights from the past ten days:
Tyler finished up his five weeks of "Little Hoopsters" basketball. He was the only 2nd grader in his group, so he was totally the all-star of the team. We had no idea he had such "mad basketball skills". Seriously, I think he was the only one on his team tall enough to make a basket. And he's not exactly tall for his age. It was fun to watch him dribbling the ball across the court and shootin' hoops. I think he may have a promising career. ;)
Wes found out he does not need surgery. HOORAY!!! He will be wearing this brace for 3 more weeks. He has to do physical therapy on his thumb six times a day. (I know you are laughing at that, aren't you. Admit it.)
I made homemade play-doh with Justin. It was a huge hit and has kept him away from the tv entertained him for several hours over the past few days. And I have not even found any ground into the carpet anywhere. Bonus! I posted the recipe here if you want to try it.
Wes let the boys stay up too late watching a Jazz game. I went downstairs, busted all of them, and snapped this photo to use as blackmail.
I spent the weekend in Southern Utah helping my mom clean my Aunt Dorthy's house. She is not in the best health and can't get around very well. I didn't take any pictures of this, and trust me, you wouldn't want to see them. You can all thank me later.
I opened up a new Etsy store because the ebay fees are getting really outrageous. This is one of my favorites listed right now:
I have spent the majority of the last three days at the Elementary School my boys attend. I am the co-chair for the Book Fair and it is running this week.
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