I finally decided to tackle the job of painting the family room this weekend. Wes and Spencer left early Saturday morning for a scout PowWow. Before I could start painting, I had to scrub the walls. I climbed up on the ladder and was washing away. No biggie. But like a dufus, I left some of the nails in the wall. One of them was one of those drywall hook thingies (technical I know). Anyway, as I was scrubbing, I came down on it and cut my arm.
Nothing major. It wasn't even bleeding all that much. But I didn't want to splash cleaning solution in it, so I asked Tyler to go get me a band-aid. He went upstairs and I heard him ask Justin where he had left the box of band-aids. All the sudden I felt light headed, so I leaned my head over a little, but didn't get off the ladder.
The next thing I knew, Tyler was right in front of me asking, "Mom, are you OK?" I opened my eyes and saw that I had spilled the bucket of cleaning solution. Yep, I had totally blacked out for a few seconds. Tyler was a little freaked out, and honestly I was too. I climbed down and sat on the couch. Then my face started sweating and feeling clammy, and my hands went numb. By this time I was starting to get a little worried.
My first thought was, "Dang, I can't go to the hospital, I didn't shower and I look like crud." I know. I am totally messed up in the head. :)
I didn't want to freak out Tyler, so I asked them to go get Brandon. I had him google my symptoms. Because of course the best way to diagnose a medical problem is on the internet, right? The first thing he came across said epilepsy. Um, nope, don't have that.
Then he came across dehydration, low blood pressure, and low blood sugar.
-It was first thing in the morning and I hadn't had a drink yet, so I was dehydrated.
-I know I have low blood pressure.
-I hadn't eaten yet because I was planning on making breakfast after I washed walls. Low blood sugar, check.
I think it was just a combination of all those three, plus looking at blood. Which doesn't usually bother me, but I guess it did this time.
So I had them bring me a glass of juice. I drank it and rested on the couch for an hour.
After that I was totally fine the rest of the day. And I got my painting done with a little help from Wes and the boys. And I did not have to go to the hospital all disgusting looking. Yay!
Picture Retakes-October 29
3 months ago