Thursday, February 3, 2011

Welcome to Our New Old Blog!

Hello peeps! Unfortunately, I had to set up a new family blog. I explain all the sordid details here.

Thanks to my awesome brother in law Jacob who subscribed to my old blog, and had copies of all the old posts. You rock!!

I was able to copy and paste them to this new one, but I have to add all the photos one at a time. That's going to take awhile, so I'm starting with the latest posts and working backwards. Wheew it's a lot of work.

It's been over two months since I was last able to post, and we've had two major holidays since then. But it would take waaaay too long to try to re-cap all of that, so I'm just going to skip to the present time.

Things have been pretty exciting around here. But not really in a good way. ;)
Our kitchen faucet had to be replaced.
Then we outgrew our refrigerator and had to buy a new one.
About a week before Christmas the brakes in the Tahoe went out. Had to be replaced. Ouch!
A few weeks ago the gutter on the back of our house froze up, making an ice dam. An ice dam that leaked into our newly re-modeled bathroom.

Fun times!

Last week our perfectly working dishwasher decided it was done, and it up and died. Fixing it would have been ridiculously expensive, so we had to buy a new one.

Yesterday the pipes in our bathroom froze.
Today I went to start a batch of laundry and realized the pipes in the laundry room are frozen too. At least I have a good excuse for not doing laundry!

I'm starting to be scared to wake up in the morning because I don't want to find out what is going to fall apart next!

Luckily everyone is happy and healthy. And I probably just jinxed us by typing that. Hope no one ends up needing a trip to the hospital tomorrow. :)


Heidi said...

Rebecca's been talking about "wicked winter" ever since your craft blog letter about it. I'd have to agree it is wicked. For us it means that I get the kids all dressed and looking cute, strapped in their carseats to go somewhere, only to turn the key to the van and find out that it won't start again. Well at least winter saves me a little money in one way... cuz I hate going to the store in the cold!

Show Me Mama said...

I am your newest follower. Your new old blog looks pretty good. You can visit me at
Have great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Oh noes! I am so sorry :( I hope things are going better. I am following you back. Thank you for stopping by!